Monday 16 May 2011

This weeks bargin booty!!!

 This weeks haul was not as exciting as last week.  As hard as I search  there wasn't much around.
A pretty little Winton bowl. It looks like a water lily

  A very sweet little sun top  but this has of course made the sun go away and the coats have been dragged back out ? I did also find a very nice G star raw coat for £2 which has vanished into one of the mens wardrobe in my life.

A small take on a printers drawer. I love little bits and bobs so can now place them in here rather than scattered far and wide in drawers.

This was the week for printers drawers as I brought a bigger one at a vintage fair, it is a project so I will show you when its finished.                                                                      Me and My Shadow

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Picnic anyone ?.......

I like picnics.

I saw a picnic set in a shop while on holiday. When the lady finally came to open up ( I think she may of been on an extended  2 day break) The set it had signs of wood worm although she said she had treated it. But as her sign in the window said back in 5 mins. I couldn't trust that and had visions of my house timbers being eaten, my house falling down with me sitting in the middle eating from my picnic set.
I resisted and hopped straight on the internet when home and my wonderful hubby swiped this little beauty of ebay.

I am so pleased I waited as this set is intact and no sign of woodworm. I haven't been brave enough to use it  yet but I will let you know when.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

beautiful people

 I like people
"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering , known struggle, known loss and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a  sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and deep loving concern. Beautiful people don’t just happen."
By Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Monday 9 May 2011

1 good reason to stay out of the sun!!!!

I dislike this!!!
This chap was on the beach on a recent holiday abroad. He was burnt to within an inch of his life and that included his bum crack. Which you can see was clearly on show.

He was wearing the trunks of a small boy , which fortunately I never viewed from the front yuk!!

His skin was stretched under shrinkage from the hours spent labouring over his tan.

So I will stay pasty and pale this summer and if I feel the need for a tan, I will remember this over done barbecued little man!!!

Sunday 8 May 2011

And today lesson is ?????

accessories in the computer nerds world
Today my wonderful blogging superstar friend Mrs W came to give me a lesson on how to blog??

Yes , yes I know you all cry its easy . But I wasn't confident and I am more of a letter writing person. Computers leave me slightly cold, I know they are very clever and do great things but I just don't know how to work them.

Mrs W has a highly successful blog and she is my lifestyle guru, so she very kindly offered to give me a lesson. It went very well and has inspired me. The problem is the minute she left I forgot all she had shared ??? so we will have meet again soon for Blogging Part 2

My charity finds !!!!

I like my old tat!!

I thought I would share with you my vintage treasure that I brought this weekend . After my vow to only buy in charity shops for the next 6 months.

Homewares and clothes. I will need to spend a lot more time cruising the heights and sights of the charity world in the local area hoping that other people????? don't beat me to all the good tat.

Two lovely floral plates

Two pairs of clarks wedges in sliver and black

A painted glass for my 1960's cocktail bar

All for under £12.00

So the question is can I do the next 6 months,watch this space 

Me and My Shadow

I like charity shops!!!!!

I like charity shops!!

I have a friend who buys lots of stuff in charity shops and I feel the addiction coming on.

I have fallen in love and out of love with them over the years. I love abit of old tat, my mum always called me second hand Annie.

  I have decided to only buy stuff from charity shops for the next 6 months.

So lets see how much I like charity shops???

Tuesday 5 April 2011

I like my new pad

Sorry I have been away so long buried under mountains of boxes.
I like my new house although there are some things I miss about my old house.

I have a great new kitchen which allows me to cook dinner and bake a cake at the same time without having to balance things on my head due to lack of space.

I have 2 wc's which is a bonus when you live with all men because as us ladies know they are never in a rush when they go in.

So my husband will spend his Easter break doing lots of jobs to make this house our home. No don't feel sorry for him I will be feeding him chocolate from the sidelines. x

Sunday 13 February 2011

Little boxes little boxes

I like boxes (not)

Sorry I have been away so long.

 I have  a little busy packing to move house. I didn't think I have much stuff but I now know different???

I just hope my new house has room for all our clutter???